Convert photo to chalk drawing inkscape
Convert photo to chalk drawing inkscape

convert photo to chalk drawing inkscape convert photo to chalk drawing inkscape

Now choose the top rectangle and do the same, making a mitered corner there.Ĭhoose your left side rectangle and duplicate it. Shown below, I have pulled it partway down on the left and finished on the right.

convert photo to chalk drawing inkscape

Grab the node on the top right corner and pull it down until it is even with the bottom of the top rectangle. Starting in the top left corner, choose the left side rectangle with your Nodes tool. You want to select each of these rectangles and click Path > Object to Path. We're going to end up with wood-grain anyway. Making them each a different Fill color will help you to see what you are doing. Make sure the Stroke is set to none on both of these. The long one will go at the top of the page and the long one down the left side. Draw two rectangles on your page, one of them 640 x 40 and the other 40 x 480. In the list at the side, towards the bottom of the list, choose Steps, and make sure the setting for "Rotation snaps every _ degrees" says 15. While you are there, make sure that on the Snap tab, Snap to Object and Snap to Grid are checked.Īlso, go into your Inkscape Preferences. It doesn't need to be very big, so go to File > Document Properties and change the size to 640 x 480 (landscape). Opening Inkscape, you will already have a blank sheet. I used a wood and a chalkboard graphic, and a font called Eraser, but there are also several fonts that look like chalk that you could use. This time we're going to make a rectangular wood frame with a chalkboard inside. In an earlier article, we made an oval picture frame with ellipses and applied a filter to make it look a little more like a wood frame.

Convert photo to chalk drawing inkscape